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“Bad effect on weather”

“Green house gas effect” or “bad effect on weather” is a very important problem. Usually sun rays go through atmosphere heat the ground and the warmth goes out into space freely. But when the gas from our factories and cars goes up to atmosphere and covers the Earth with a thin layer of CO2 the heat doesn’t go out and the temperature doesn’t fall down. In winter 2006 - 2007 the temperature in Russia was from mines ten to plus two degrees centigrade but usually it must to be from mines ten to mines twenty-five degrees centigrade. We can close some factories but not all. We need them to live easier. But we can stop using cars, all cars. If you need to go somewhere not for a long distance you can take a bicycle. If you need to travel for a longer distance you can go by an electrical train. We could take electricity from hydro power stations and wind power stations.
I would like to say some advantages and disadvantages of using cars, bicycles and trains. Good for a car: it can take five passengers (and more for buses) and their baggage, it is faster than a bicycle, you can sit in a car when it rains, it has a comfortable cabin and you can go by car to any shops and park your car. Bad for a car: it makes children sick, you can’t watch and feel (smell) world around you, people often crash in the cars, you often get angry because of heavy traffic, and you must buy gasoline. Good for a bicycle: you health will be better driving a bicycle, you can watch and feel (smell) all the world around you and a bicycle is light. Bad for a bicycle: it can only take one or two passages and their baggage, you can hit your legs and arms if you fall, when it rains you’ll get wet, you should have strong legs, it is slower than a car, it needs a special space for parking. Good for a train: it can take 110 passages and their baggage (it’s for a one carriage), it is faster than a car, it has got warm and comfortable carriages, it works from electricity, and you can do something while you travel. Bad for a train: you must buy a ticket (you could be late if there is a long queue to the ticket office), you can’t drive near to place where you go, and sometimes you will have stand all the way (trains are often crowded). You can choose between driving a car (and slowly kill the world around you) and riding a bicycle or going by train.